Delivery policy Delivery

policy of orders

In order to provide the most suitable choice for customers, ShivaShop deploys 4 forms of online delivery:

Express delivery: Receive goods in 30 minutes - 2 hours
Delivery Fast delivery: Receive goods in 4 hours - 6 hours
Standard Delivery: Receive goods in 2-5 days
Choose a delivery time: Customers choose the desired delivery time
In which, the shipping cost of ShivaShop's Online orders will be is calculated based on 3 factors:

Total volume of the order: calculated based on the total weight of the products packed in the order
Distance between the customer's receiving address and the store that ships to the customer
Total value order
Depending on the individual support policy at each time, product and customer's location, the order will show different shipping methods and final fees. 

ShivaShop provides a variety of delivery services and regularly updates the delivery fee incentives with the desire to serve customers the best, but in reality, the operation may generate unexpected risks. In this case, if you have any information you need to exchange, please contact Customer Service at the toll-free Hotline number: 1800 009090 (8h-22h, all days of the week).

ShivaShop is committed to checking orders and having a settlement policy suitable for each specific case.

Delivery process

When receiving goods, customers should note the following:

- Open the package and compare the goods with the invoice

- Check the actual product is correct with the product that the customer ordered or not.

- Check the packaging and the product for damage during transportation.

If you are not satisfied with 1 of the 3 above, you can ask the delivery staff to confirm and return the goods.

ShivaShop will not be responsible for handling Customer's complaint about missing or wrong delivery after Customer has signed for receipt and payment.

Note: The order will be automatically canceled if the delivery staff cannot contact the Customer at the time of delivery (maximum 3 calls and each time is 10 minutes apart).